Category Archives: healthy lifestyle

Do Something Positive For Yourself! Take that First Step!

Have you ever watched a 5K Race (or any other similar community run) and wished you could do that? Or think you can’t? Or have before but life got in the way and you think it’s too late to go back? Here’s a great program with a very high rate of success!

If you can spare three hours of your week and follow my program how it is designed, you can and will complete a 5K in only 8 weeks. I am organizing several group classes now.

There will be others, just like you, who will join together two times a week for an hour each, and together you will reach your end goal of completing a 5K. You will also do an hour on your own at your convenience as homework, with my specific instructions.

If you click on the testimonials page above you will see many comments who have completed this program. I promise it is an experience you will never forget. I love seeing the joy of those, just like you, finishing a 5K, maybe for the first time ever. You may also even meet new friends, I’ve seen friendships start in my classes. The group setting gives you motivation as you see others working at the end goal as well.

I have been doing these classes for over 10 years now. It’s time for you to make that step! Classes will be located somewhere in Lancaster County, at a location to be determined by who signs up and where they are coming from. We will do Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday, we can do evenings and/or mornings. So there is no excuse to contact me and show your interest! The cost will be under $100 for all 8 weeks!

Upgrade your quality of life! Sign up now! Click on the ‘contact me’ tab above and get started! All questions answered!

Group Training Starting Soon

Finally have the date that the group classes will start.

Monday January 28th.  Parkside Place in North Wales/Upper Gwynedd Township park.  we will meet by the swimming pool in the parking lot (in the back passed the police station).  The classes will last until April 18th (Thursday before Easter).  New classes will form again after that in May.

There will be four evenings that you can choose from.  Monday through Thursday.  Each evening you can pick which time you want to join the group.  The choices will be 4pm, 5pm, 6pm.  You may stay for the next group if you start with one of the earlier groups.

Each runner signed up can pick up to two evenings and yes you can pick different times for each.  I really don’t mind if you run all four evenings, I just wanted to let you know that you are entitled to two group sessions for your $75.

Any level of runner is welcome.  I’ve trained beginners and Boston Marathoners.

The only thing I ask is for you to let me know which days and times you are coming by the Friday preceding the week.  So for January 28th, please contact me by Friday the 25th.  There will be days that I will be unavailable like February 6th and 7th, but you all can still meet if you’d like or come on Monday and Tuesday of that week.

I also still have a couple of slots available for one on one training, the cost for that depends on how long you want the training for.  One on one runners are allowed to run with the group training runners as a member of Run Your Best Race.  I expect a wide variety of pace levels so you will usually find someone your speed to run with.  I will be telling you what speed I want you to run so I can help match you up.

If you haven’t already signed up, please do so as soon as possible.  Use the contact me tab above or email me at  Tell me that you want either the group classes or one on one.  Payment is easy, you can use PayPal also on the purchase training tab above.  You can use a credit card or a bank card on PayPal.  Other options are cash or check.  Let’s get this party started and have a great Spring Race season.

New For 2019!

New for 2019, in addition to group classes and individual personal coaching/training services, we are introducing yearlong memberships for Run Your Best Race

Sign up and receive your own personal coach for running and related training for an entire year.

Receive a plan for as many races as you participate in during the year plus get advice on how to recover in between.

One-year membership receives:

Weekly running and strength plan

Functional Movement Screen 4 times/year, if local (within 20 miles of Lansdale, PA)

Run time with Coach Glenn as time and schedules allow, to analyze form, progress, and help with motivation

All members are entitled to join any Run Your Best Race group run or run with a group training class.

BONUS: Coach Glenn is working on his Fitness Nutrition certification and as soon as he receives that you will be entitled to nutrition advice including meal plans.  This service will be an additional fee after the certification is obtained but is included for 2019 if you join now.

Why not be the best runner you can be in 2019?  A personal coach/trainer will help you stay injury free and improve your running.

Membership space will be limited.  Fees are:

One payment of $300 local or $250 for online only, or,

Quarterly payments of $100, or,

Monthly payments of $40.

I do accept PayPal!

This includes everything mentioned above, including nutrition help when certification is earned by Coach Glenn (goal is summer 2019).

This price is a bargain for working with a certified running coach/personal trainer/functional movement screener.  The cost is much less than most gym memberships that don’t even include personal training or group classes without an additional fee.

Contact us today!

Do you want to improve your running quicker than ever?

I get asked a lot why the runners that I coach are so successful. That’s an easy answer.

To be successful (in any sport, not only running) you have to follow these three things:

1- Practice. A lot. By doing it right every time in practice (proper distance and pace) or correcting errors if you are not doing it right. For running this means running as much as you can, by gradually increasing your miles as you get closer to a goal race or to where you want to be fitness-wise.

2- Have a passion for the activity that you are participating in. For running this means enjoying the training. If you are running just because “your friends are” that may not be passion. You have to be willing to work hard at running. If you work hard and realize that with hard work and following the plan comes success, that’s passion.

3- Have a good coach. You need someone to hold you accountable, someone knowledgeable who will get to know you and understand what motivates you, what pace you should be running for each workout, and someone who cares about you and will stay in touch to make sure you have the best chance at reaching your goals.

If you have these three things you will improve your running 100 times faster than trying to do it without them. That’s not an exaggeration. Ask the runners that I coach. They’ll back me up.

It’s science. The nervous system learns and the body adapts to your physical needs and what you teach them. That’s why it is important to do it right, and as often as possible.

100% of the runners that I coach meet their goal if they do what I coach them to do and have the passion to work hard. Some go way beyond their goal.

Now is the time to make this year your best at running! Contact me for a free consultation on how I can help you!

Or click on the contact me tab above!

Want to qualify for Boston or run a PR this fall?

Thinking about running a fall marathon or half marathon? Want to run your best time, or maybe even qualify for the Boston Marathon? Everyone should try training under a coach at least one time. It’s not expensive. If you are serious about running it is money well spent.

Now is the time to plan for it and start training properly. Most of the runners that I have trained have been knocking huge chunks of time from their PR. Ask any runner that I have trained if they thought it was worth the money.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • A free consultation to discuss your goals and how I can help.
  • A Functional Movement Screen to find and weaknesses or imbalances that could cause a derailment in your training. Suggested exercises to correct, if needed.
  • A weekly plan to outline recommended workouts in detail, custom made for you, including ancillary exercises to help you stay healthy and get stronger
  • Periodic one on one runs with me to evaluate where your fitness level is
  • Unlimited communication. I am very approachable and want you to feel like I am your best friend. Ask me anything that you are unsure of. I also can adjust your plan, if needed, based on communication between us. The better it is the more you get out of your training.

I have limited space for fall training so contact me now to start the process! I am a certified adult running coach and certified personal trainer.  Click on the Contact Me tab or send an email to this address:

St. Luke’s Half Marathon Training Starts Soon!

St. Luke’s Half Marathon runners! Here’s your chance to join a group training program, by a certified running coach and personal trainer, that will include a weekly training plan plus a weekly group run, which will include training on the actual St. Luke’s course periodically.

I hope to be able to train on the course every other week, but we will have a group run every week somewhere. Once we see who is signed up for training, I will determine the group run locations.

If you are training for another race with a race date close to St. Luke’s, feel free to join us anyway. Or contact me to set up your training for your particular race.

If you remember from OctoHalf, 100% of the runners training with my program set a new PR.

The cost for this 12 week group program which starts on Saturday January 28th is only $75. Contact me either by email at or click on the Contact Me tab above!

We’re on a PR Streak Now!

Run Your Best Race had a successful day at the Philly Marathon yesterday. All 5 runners who trained for this race through Run Your Best Race nailed it. 5 Personal Bests for the marathon! And not by a few seconds, either!  The runners shaved off from 10 minutes to over an hour from their best marathon times.  One runner ran her first marathon ever and the others were veterans, having run at least 4 marathons each in the past.

In addition one runner qualified for the Boston Marathon for the first time!  Run Your Best Race is going back to Boston!

If you’re keeping score, that’s 27 runners in a row who’ve trained under me and PR’d in a Half or Full Marathon! I seem to get the best runners! What a year 2016 has been for us!

Contact me!  I’d love for you to be next!

OctoHalf Success!!!

October 2nd was a great day for running.  The OctoHalf training group had a very successful race.  Five runners new to the half marathon distance all finished.

Ten of our runners ran their fastest half marathon ever (out of 10 = 100%)!  Two runners beat their personal best by 20 minutes or more, two ran over 10 minutes faster and a couple more 9 minutes faster!

The reason for this success?  They put the work in.  I hope my training had something to do with it but the runners had to run it, I didn’t run for them.

Most of these runners mentioned they want to continue with the Run Your Best Race training.  Come join the fun!  Contact me!  I train you for any reason.  I’m also a Certified Personal Trainer so I can help you with your fitness goals as well.


Octohalf Training Announced

The training plans for the 2016 OctoHalf Half Marathon, which is being held on Sunday, October 2, 2016, have been announced.  Please click on the OctoHalf Training tab on this site for specific details.

Last year’s training programs were a huge success.  100% of the runners who trained under one of these programs either completed their first half marathon, or set a personal record for the half marathon.

The course has been changed slightly (for the better in my opinion) for the 2016 race.

Group Running Classes Spring 2016


Back by popular demand, group running classes!  There will be at least two classes this Spring.  A beginner’s class and a class for current runners to get your running headed in the right direction so that you can improve your race times.

I will instruct as many sessions as I can fit into my schedule.  The beginner’s class can hold more than the improve your running class.  That’s because the improve your running class will include personal Functional Movement Screening and individual form analysis.

Both classes will be held in a local to Lansdale, PA park such as School Rd. Park or Parkside Place.  We will decide when and where based on those who enroll.  If needed we will hold the classes in more than one location.  Historically classes have been after work hours but I can hold morning classes if enough are interested.

Beginner’s Class (Tuesday and Thursday 6PM):

  • Will start with walking and add some running, as the weeks go by you will be able to run more than walk.  At the end of 8 weeks most participants should be able to run a 5K with little or no walking.
  • I will guide you to using good form, proper pace, and give tips to make it easier and keep it safe.
  • Group classes are fun!  You will meet new friends.  They will help you succeed.
  •  See the Testimonials page for comments on past classes.
  • Use the Contact Us page on this site to let me know you are interested.
  • If enough are considering but not yet sure let me know now and I can set up an information meeting for you to meet me and ask questions.

Improving Your Running Class (Monday and Wednesday 6PM):

  • Runners of all abilities and experience welcome
  • Limited to 10 runners per class (may hold more than one class if enough are interested)
  • Individualized instruction in a group setting
  • Functional Movement Screen and form analysis done on each runner to identify any weaknesses that could cause injury.  Suggestions will be made to what exercises need to be done to create balance and keep you injury free.
  • Continued suggestions for strength work, stretching, and anything to help you improve.
  • If you would like to discuss this class and are not sure, please contact me to ask any questions, or I can set up an informational meeting if enough are interested.

Both classes will be held twice per week and will be determined by availability of those who enroll.  Both classes are $75 for 8 weeks and include a T-Shirt. Classes start the week of April 25th.  Now is the time to sign up!

Classes will end in time to start a fall long distance race program for those that are signed up or thinking of signing up for a half or full marathon in the fall of 2016.  The improving running class will get you prepared to enter that training.

As always, individual one on one training is available for running and/or personal strength/fitness/flexibility training.  I can come to your location for either if within about 10 miles of Lansdale, PA.

As with any of my classes, please make sure you are fit enough to participate in any exercise program.  You should talk to your doctor about any limitations to joining any classes.  I will have a waiver for you to fill out and sign which will give you the opportunity to tell me any possible issue with you exercising.  You should also be prepared to give me a contact name and phone number in case of any emergency.